Report of the committee for spermatophyta: 55. Proposal 1584 on Acacia
The previous report of this committee appeared in Taxon 53: 811-823 (2004). Those voting on proposals in this report were R. K. Brummitt (Kew, Secretary), G. Davidse (St. Louis), T. V. Egorova (St. Petersburg), E. S. Fernando (Los Bafios), T. S. Filgueiras (Brasilia), I. Friis (Copenhagen, Chairman), K. Gandhi (Cambridge, Mass.), C. E. Jarvis (London), H.-W. Lack (Berlin), G. Moore (Brooklyn), D. H. Nicolson (Washington, D.C.), H. Ohashi (Sendai), G. Perry (Perth, W.A.), M. Thulin (Uppsala) and P. Vorster (Stellenbosch). A minimum of nine votes is required for recommendation by this committee that a proposal for conservation or rejection of a name be accepted or rejected.