Production Data Analysis and Forecasting Using a Comprehensive Analysis System
Analysis of production data to obtain estimates of the intrinsic properties of a reservoir and of the current well condition can be performed using a number of available analysis procedures. Each of these analyses were developed using differing assumptions and often result in poor agreement between the parameter estimates obtained with each analysis when performed separately. A logical and comprehensive analysis system has been developed and used for field applications which enables the engineer to rapidly perform each of these production data analyses on the same set of production data and obtain a best-indicated set of parameter estimates of the reservoir and well properties. The analyses that can be performed on the production data include water control diagnostics, material balance analyses, empirical and advanced decline curve analyses using integral and derivative functions, automated history matching using analytic pressure or rate-transient solutions, and commingled reservoir production forecasting and economic evaluations. The systematic analysis of production data in this manner can be used to obtain estimates of the reservoir and well parameters for cases where other means of obtaining these values are often not available.