Application of remote sensing images for natural disaster mitigation using wavelet based pattern recognition analysis

During the past few decades there has been a tremendous increase in natural disasters and its effect on population and economy. Adverse events, such as cyclones, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., turns into a disaster when it strikes in an area of vulnerable population. Immediate tracking of the damaged location provides near-instant help to the injured and also facilitates appropriate maintenance to damaged structures. The recent advances in the remote sensing area have accelerated the availability of satellite/aerial image data worldwide with ease. Advancement in the remote sensing area, especially after the rapid availability of satellite/aerial image data supplemented with the development in the computational field has been utilized in this paper to achieve the goal of faster automatic natural disaster location identification. Satellite/aerial imageries are used to acquire the data of the damaged location from an eagle-eye perspective and the application of the wavelet based pattern recognition and latest image processing techniques are used for identifying locations of major natural disasters like cyclones, tornadoes and floods.

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