MISTRAL: A Language for Model Transformations in the MOF Meta-modeling Architecture

In the Meta Object Facility (MOF) meta-modeling architecture a number of model transformation scenarios can be identified. It could be expected that a meta-modeling architecture will be accompanied by a transformation technology supporting the model transformation scenarios in a uniform way. Despite the fact that current transformation languages have similarities they are usually focused only on a particular scenario. In this paper we analyze the problems that prevent the usage of a single language for different transformation scenarios. The problems are rooted in the current organization of the MOF architecture and especially in its inability to define explicitly the mechanisms of instantiation and generalization found in different modeling languages. This causes a coupling between a transformation language and the instantiation mechanism specific for a given modeling language. We propose an organization of the MOF architecture based on a simple and uniform representation of all model elements no matter at which level they are defined. In this framework, different instantiation and generalization mechanisms are represented as a set of functions. We present a transformation language named MISTRAL acting in this framework. Transformation language is separated from the instantiation and generalization mechanisms specific for a given modeling language.