A note on potentially K4-e graphical sequences

A sequence $S$ is potentially $K_4-e$ graphical if it has a realization containing a $K_4-e$ as a subgraph. Let $\sigma(K_4-e, n)$ denote the smallest degree sum such that every $n$-term graphical sequence $S$ with $\sigma(S)\geq \sigma(K_4-e, n)$ is potentially $K_4-e$ graphical. Gould, Jacobson, Lehel raised the problem of determining the value of $\sigma (K_4-e, n)$. In this paper, we prove that $\sigma (K_4-e, n)=2[(3n-1)/2]$ for $n\geq 7$, and $n=4,5,$ and $\sigma(K_4-e, 6)= 20$.