Application of a bidirectional electricity meter in the 5kW grid-connected photovoltaic power plant Zoran Petrušić and Andrija Petrušić

In this paper the application of a bidirectional electricity meter in the 5 kW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plant is presented. The PV plant is operating since August 2013, as the research laboratory at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis. The realised PV plant enables performance evaluation of different PV system components under environmental conditions. The realised PV system for evaluation of characteristics of a PV system is consisted of a rotating and fixed part. The solar tracker can carry up to 10 PV modules with different technologies, power and dimensions, while the fixed construction can support up to 12 PV modules. The PV plant is connected to the grid within the industrial hall through the concept of net metering. The complex contemporary system for measurement of generated and consumed electric energy is also presented in the paper. This system is realized using the bidirectional electricity meter. Keywords - bidirectional meter, on-grid PV plant, net metering, monitoring system.