Distribution characteristics of high content fluorine and arsenic of groundwater and countermeasure in Huzhou areas of Zhejiang Province
On the basis of the analysis of groundwater types, characteristics, groundwater ex-ploitation and water level changes, the regional distribution of the high fluoride and ar-senic groundwater were turned up in Huzhou areas of Zhejiang Province according tostudying the test data of the different types of groundwater from the deep wells. High flu-oride areas are occurred in the distribution areas of granite fissure water in Miaoxi townand those of karst water in Baique town. Areas with high concentration of arsenic are dis-covered mainly in the second confined aquifer of Nanxun city. The article suggests thatthere is no direct relationship between high fluoride and arsenic groundwater distributionareas with the contents of the total fluoride and total arsenic in soil and shallow groundwa-ter, however, high fluoride and arsenic of the deep well groundwater are principally relat-ed with deep faults. The groundwater with high fluoride and arsenic in the studied area isstill drunk by the residents. Authors thought that long-term consumption of such ground-water can lead people to the emergence of endemic easily, therefore, authors suggest stop-ping the exploitation of groundwater in this area for life, and some enterprises should car-ry out the program of groundwater management.