Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Concrete Splitting Failure of Anchor Channels

Concrete splitting failure due to tension load can occur when fastening systems are located close to an edge or corner of a concrete member, especially in thin members. This failure mode has not been extensively investigated for anchor channels. Given the current trend in the construction industry towards more slender concrete members, this failure mode will become more and more relevant. In addition, significantly different design rules in the United States and Europe indicate the need for harmonization between codes. Therefore, an extensive numerical parametric study was carried out to evaluate the influence of member thickness, edge distance, and anchor spacing on the capacity of anchor channels in uncracked and unreinforced concrete members. One of the main findings was that the characteristic edge distance depends on the member thickness and can be larger than 3hef (hef = embedment depth) for thin members. Based on the numerical and experimental test results, modifications of the design recommendations for the splitting failure mode are proposed. Overall, the authors recommend performing the splitting verification separately from the concrete breakout to design anchor channels in thin members more accurately.