BackgroundIt is extremely common to need to select a subset of reads from a BAM file based on their specific properties. Typically, a user unpacks the BAM file to a text stream using SAMtools, parses and filters the lines using AWK, then repacks them using SAMtools. This process is tedious and error-prone. In particular, when working with many columns of data, mix-ups are common and the bit field containing the flags is unintuitive. There are several libraries for reading BAM files, such as Bio-SamTools for Perl and pysam for Python. Both allow access to the BAM’s read information and can filter reads, but require substantial boilerplate code; this is high overhead for mostly ad hoc filtering.ResultsWe have created a query language that gathers reads using a collection of predicates and common logical connectives. Queries run faster than equivalents and can be compiled to native code for embedding in larger programs.ConclusionsBAMQL provides a user-friendly, powerful and performant way to extract subsets of BAM files for ad hoc analyses or integration into applications. The query language provides a collection of predicates beyond those in SAMtools, and more flexible connectives.
Gonçalo R. Abecasis,et al.
The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools
Vikram S. Adve,et al.
LLVM: a compilation framework for lifelong program analysis & transformation
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2004. CGO 2004..
Edwin Cuppen,et al.
Sambamba: fast processing of NGS alignment formats