Predators and Prey in Fishes

This, the second volume in the series Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes, combines two special issues of the journal Environmental Biology of Fishes resulting from the 3rd biennial conference on the Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Fishes. While one of those special issues drew attention to the symposium on Predator-Prey Interactions in Fishes, it may not be so readily apparent that another symposium, Applied Aspects of Fish Behavior, was also held during the conference. The papers published here came from those two symposia, and from contributed papers presented during the plenary session of the conference. We have presented the volume with its title, as that is clearly the central theme of most contributions, whether or not they happen to have been presented in the predation symposium. We would also like to emphasize the general significance of predation in the life of fishes by this volume.