Abstract This research is motivated by the higher productivity of the circulation of illegal timber logging, while the law enforcement do not yet have the ability to provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators, especially the mastermind (mastermind) of perpetrators of illegal logging. This study aims to determine the transport of timber from illegal logging circulation, and discover the misuse of law enforcement against illegal loggers in the area of police Resort Tebo. This type of research is qualitative descriptive approach to research conducted in the area of police Resort Tebo in December 2013 - the month of January 2014 . The population of this study are all members of the Police Tebo . The study sample is part Satreskrim Police Tebo . Sampling of non -probability sampling with accidental sampling technique is the determination of the sample by chance. Sources of data in this study Criminal Police members Tebo Tebo. Data was collected through observation, interviews. Data analysis was performed through several stages of data reduction, Data Presentation , and Withdrawal Conclusion/Verification. The results showed that the transport of timber from illegal logging circulation in the area of police Resort Tebo of the year 2010-2013 is quite high . The number of cases that go over a period of 4 years from the year 2010-2013 as many as 31 cases. 29 cases successfully resolved by the police with the case law and the remaining 2 cases are cases that are not complete , this is due to lack of evidence. The misuse of law enforcement against illegal loggers in the area of police Resort Tebo include the persistence of police officers who accept bribes, either at the time of surgery in the field and at the time of those involved in illegal already tertanggkap, eliminate evidence. The absence of budgetary support, adequate infrastructure in the process of criminal investigations of illegal logging . Keywords : Police Tebo , Combating Illegal Logging .