24 JOURNAL AWWA his discussion about disinfectant residuals, conducted in San Diego, Calif., Nov. 1, 1998, was moderated by Jonathan A. Clement, director of drinking water research, Black & Veatch, 230 Congress St., Suite 802, Boston, MA 02110. Other participants were Charles Haas, L.D. Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Wolfgang Kuhn, director, German Waterworks Association Research Center, Karlsruherstr. 84, Karlsruhe, 76136, Germany; Mark W. LeChevallier, director of research, American Water Works Service Company Inc., 1025 Laurel Oak Rd., Box 1770, Voorhees, NJ 08043; R. Rhodes Trussell, senior vice-president, Montgomery Watson Inc., 300 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101; and Dick van der Kooij, principal microbiologist, Kiwa NV, Groningenhaven 7, Nieuwegein, 3430 BB, the Netherlands.