Community Crime Prevention: Does it Work?

PART ONE: THE EVALUATION PROBLEM The Problem of Crime Control - Dennis P Rosenbaum Evaluation Research in Community Crime Prevention - Arthur J Lurigio and Dennis P Rosenbaum A Critical Look at the Field PART TWO: CITIZEN EFFORTS TO PREVENT RESIDENTIAL CRIME Citywide Community Crime Prevention - Betsy Lindsay and Daniel McGillis An Assessment of the Seattle Program Neighborhood-Based Antiburglary Strategies - Anne L Schneider An Analysis of Public and Private Benefits from the Portland Program A Three-Pronged Effort to Reduce Crime and Fear of Crime - Floyd J Fowler and Thomas W Mangione The Hartford Experiment Neighborhood-Based Crime Prevention - Dennis P Rosenbaum, Dan A Lewis and Jane A Grant Assessing the Efficacy of Community Organizing in Chicago PART THREE: INNOVATIONS IN POLICING: A RETURN TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD Experimenting with Foot Patrol - Antony M Pate The Newark Experience Evaluating a Neighborhood Foot Patrol - Robert C Trojanowicz The Newark Experience Storefront Police Offices - Mary Ann Wycoff and Wesley G Skogan The Houston Field Test PART FOUR: PREVENTING CRIME IN AND AROUND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Evaluating Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - Paul J Lavrakas and James W Kushmuk The Portland Commercial Demonstration Project The Commercial Security Field Test Program - James M Tien and Michael F Cahn a Systemic Evaluation of Security Surveys in Denver, St Louis and Long Beach PART FIVE: THE MEDIA AND CRIME PREVENTION: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND PERSUASION The 'McGruff' National Media Campaign - Garrett J O'Keefe Its Public Impact and Future Implications Evaluating Police-Community Anticrime Newsletters - Paul L Lavrakas The Evanston, Houston and Newark Field Studies PART SIX: SUMMARY AND CRITIQUE Community Crime Prevention - Robert K Yin a Synthesis of Eleven Evaluations