Assembling a geoscience information portal from pieces of the open source software jigsaw puzzle

<p>As open source geospatial mapping toolkits and platforms continue to develop and mature, the developers of web portals using these solutions need to regularly review and revaluate their technology choices in order to stay up to date and provide the best possible experience and functionality to their users. We are currently undergoing such a refresh with our AuScope Discovery Portal, Virtual Geophysics Laboratory, and the AuScope 3D Geological Models Portal. The task of deciding which solutions to utilise as part of the upgrade process is not to be underestimated. Our main evaluation criteria include the ability to support commonly used map layer formats and web service protocols, support for 3D display capabilities, community size and activity, ease of adding custom display and scientific workflow / processing widgets, cost and benefits of integration with existing components and maintainability into the future. We are beginning a journey to update and integrate our portals&#8217; functionality and will outline the decision process and conclusions of our investigations as well as the detailed evaluation of web based geospatial solutions against our functional and operational criteria.</p>