Summary form only given. Fast compression of liners is under consideration as a possible approach to electric energy conversion into X-ray pulse at the energy scale of dozens of megajoules. Scientific cooperation including TRINITI, Kurchatov institute, Efremov institute, and VNIITF develops the "Baikal" project in which an inductive! storage has to be used which in the case of successive transformation procedure could produce an electric pulse with parameters adequate for these purposes. On the S-300 pulsed power generator, a series of experiments is being carried out studying promising schemes of output devices for the next generation of machines. In particular, a device similar to the plasma flow switch is being investigated aimed to sharpening the current pulse up to the nanosecond order of duration and compressing the electromagnetic energy. Nowadays, we have obtained the extreme switching rate as high as 1015 A/sec., to wit, 2.5 MA per 2.5 ns.