High-performance thin layer chromatography using fiber optics and diode-array detection

HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) is a well known and versatile separation method which shows a lot of advantages and options in comparison to other separation techniques. The method is fast and inexpensive and does not need time-consuming pretreatments. Using fiber-optic elements for controlled light-guiding, the TLC-method was significantly improved: the new HPTLC-system is able to measure simultaneously at different wavelengths without destroying the plate surface or the analytes on the surface. For registration of the sample distribution on a HPTLC-plate we developed a new and sturdy diode-array HPTLC- scanner which allows registration of spectra on the TLC- plates in the range of 198 nm to 610 nm with a spectral resolution better than 1.2 nm. The spatial resolution on plate is better than 160 micrometers . In the spectral mode, the new HPTLC-scanner delivers much more information than the commonly used TLC-scanner. The measurement of 450 spectra of one separation track does not need more than three minutes. However, in the fixed wavelength mode the contour plot can be measured within 15 seconds. In this case, the signal will be summarized and averaged over a spectral range having FWHM from 10 nm to 25 nm depending on the substance under test. The new diode-array HPTLC-scanner makes various chemometric applications possible. The new method can be used easily in clinical diagnostic systems easily, e.g. for blood and uring investigations. In addition, new applications are possible. For example, the rich structured PAHs were studied. Although the separation is incomplete the 16 compounds can be quantified using suitable wavelengths.