A Focal Plane Array (FPA) with a digital output for cooled IR detectors has recently attracted a lot of attention due to its advantages over detectors with analog outputs. Of special importance is the potential to have a better long term stability of the Residual Non Uniformity (RNU). Last summer SCD introduced a new high performance digital signal processor for 640x512 InSb infrared detectors, which includes analog to digital conversion performed inside the signal processor itself (at the focal plane). This signal processor has been bonded to InSb detector arrays and tested both electrically and radiometrically within a dewar. Special proximity electronics was developed for the operation of the FPA, including a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. The complete device functions as a multi-chip system, enabling high degree of flexibility and easy integration at the system level. The total power dissipation of the FPA is less than 100mW at a frame rate of 100Hz, which is even less than that obtained with comparable/conventional analog FPAs. The NETD of the detector is less than 10.5mK at 50% of the full range 13Me-. The RNU is less than 0.02%STD/DR from 2% up to 90% of the full range. It is important to note that in the case of a digital detector the readout noise the NETD and the RNU of the detector are the total system values. This stand alone Digital Detector Dewar Cooler (D3C) presents a new industrial standard for cooled IR detectors.