Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui relevansi antara materi pokok yang terdapat pada buku tematik guru dan siswa kelas III kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018 dengan ruang lingkup materi pokok seni budaya dan prakarya (SBdP) MI/SD yang mencakup kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, karakteristik dan perkembangan materi SBdP MI/SD, analisis KI-KD dan relevansinya dengan struktur keilmuan SBdP MI/SD, karakteristik perkembangan siswa, HOTS, 4C ( Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration ), literasi budaya dan kewargaan, pendidikan karakter, dan inovasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian studi pustaka. Pengumpulan dan peninjauan indikator referensi untuk analisis materi pokok SBdP MI kelas III SD/MI. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa relevansi ruang lingkup SBdP dalam Permendikbud nomor 21 tahun 2016 tentang standar isi pendidikan dasar dan menengah dengan buku siswa kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018 dinilai sudah relevan. Karakteristik SBdP MI/SD mencakup aspek seni rupa, seni musik, seni tari, dan keterampilan. Karakteristik perkembangan siswa berada dalam tahap oprasional konkrit. HOTS, 4C, literasi budaya dan kewargaan, serta pendidikan karakter tercantum pada materi pokok SBdP revisi 2018 buku paket guru dan siswa kelas III. Inovasi yang ditawarkan dalam pembelajaran SBdP MI/SD adalah menggunakan multimedia interaktif yang relevan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di era revolusi industri 4.0. Abstract This research aimed to find out the relevance between the subject matter of the teachers' and the students' thematic book based on 2013 c urriculum revised 2018 and the subject matter scope of Art and Culture (SBdB) in the 3 rd grade of elementary school (MI/SD) which included knowledge and skills, characteristics and developments of the subject materials, analysis of the core and base competencies (KI-KD) and their relevance to the subject structure, characteristics of students’ development, HOTS, 4C (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration), cultural and citizenship literacy, character education , and innovation. The method used was library research. Collecting and reviewing the reference indicators were done to analyze the subject matter of Art and Culture subject of the 3 rd grade students at elementary school. The results indicated that SBdB scope based on Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) No. 21 in 2016 on the content standards of basic and secondary education with the students’ book based on 2013 c urriculum Revised 2018 was considered relevant. Characteristics of Art and Culture subject consisted of fine arts, music, dance, and skill aspects. Characteristics of the students’ development were in a concrete operational stage. HOTS, 4C, cultural and citizenship literacy, and character education were listed in the teachers' and the students' Thematic book based on 2013 curriculum revised 2018 in the 3 rd grade of MI/SD. The innovation offered in teaching Art and Culture subject at MI/SD was to use interactive multimedia that was relevant to the development of science and technology in the industrial revolution era 4.0.