A Free and Open Source Platform for remote sensing and 3D data acquisition.

In this paper we would like to introduce a Free and Open Source platform for aerial archaeology and remote sensing. This solution is based on two main components: ArcheOS (software) and an UAVP prototype (hardware). ArcheOS (Archeological Operating System) is a GNU/Linux distribution developed for archaeological aims and released under GPL (General Public License). The system, which in 2011 reached its fourth version, provides a selection of software which covers a wide range of applications. In particular, for the purposes related with aerial archaeology, it is possible to use software in the field of GIS (GRASS, QGIS, OpenJUMP), Structure form Motion (Bundler), Image-Based Modling (Python Photogrammetry Toolbox, PMVS2) and mesh editing (MeshLab). The UAVP ( Universal Aerial Video Platform) is an open source UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) project, which shares knowledge, data, and resources with the aim to build a modern autonomously flying multicopter. The combination of ArcheOS and an UAV grants the possibility to collect zenithal pictures for photomapping of macro areas (form excavation surfaces till landscapes), but also to acquire 3D data, using the modern Computer Vision techniques. The main benefits of this “opens source remote sensing platform” can be summarized in: portability, versatility and low cost. Moreover, being an open project, can be improved by the feedback of the community.