Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change

I.- The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: A Retrospect.- Deductive Heuristics.- Development of Science as a Change of Types.- Methodology and Ontology.- Imre Lakatos in China.- On the Characterization of Cognitive Progress.- II.- Continuity and Discontinuity in the Definition of a Disciplinary Field: The Case of XXth Century Physics.- Determinism, Probability and Randomness in Classical Statistical Physics.- The Emergence of a Research Programme in Classical Thermodynamics.- The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes and Some Developments in High Energy Physics.- Many-Particle Physics: Calculational Complications that Become a Blessing for Methodology.- The Relative Autonomy of Theoretical Science and the Role of Crucial Experiments in the Development of Superconductivity Theory.- III.- Lakatos on the Evaluation of Scientific Theories.- Methodological Sophisticationism: A Degenerating Project.- Through the Looking Glass: Philosophy, Research Programmes and the Scientific Community.- A Critical Consideration of the Lakatosian Concepts: "Mature" and "Immature" Science.- Bridge Structures and the Borderline Between the Internal and External History of Science.- IV.- Corroboration, Verisimilitude, and the Success of Science.- Machine Models for the Growth of Knowledge: Theory Nets in PROLOG.- Louis Althusser and Joseph D. Sneed: A Strange Encounter in Philosophy of Science?.- On Incommensurability.- Partial Interpretation, Meaning Variance, and Incommensurability.- Scientific Discovery and Commensurability of Meaning.- V.- Proofs and Refutations: A Reassessment.- Counterfactual Reduction.- Research Programmes and Paradigms as Dialogue Structures.- Philosophy of Science and the Technological Dimension of Science.- Falsificationism Looked at from an "Economic" Point of View.- VI.- The Bayesian Alternative to the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes.- Frege and Popper: Two Critics of Psychologism.- Has Popper Been a Good Thing?.- Popper's Propensities: An Ontological Interpretation of Probability.