Development and application of the Coal Quality Impact Model: CQIM trademark

Utilities frequently evaluate the use of alternate coals at existing power generating plants in an attempt to reduce fuel costs and meet changing air quality emission limitations. Utility personnel evaluate delivered coal costs and, in some instances, the performance and cost impacts of changes in coal quality. Performance impact include loss of spare equipment, plant heat rate impacts, auxiliary power changes, consumable requirements, waste generation, unit derates, and forced outage changes. Cost impacts include costs for replacement power, equipment maintenance, consumables, and waste disposal. This report describes the development and initial application of a state-of-the-art computerized Coal Quality Impact Model (CQIM{trademark}) capable of predicting performance and cost impacts of burning alternative coals at existing power generating plants. The CQIM is an easy-to-use, comprehensive model designed to cater to both sophisticated users and those with little engineering background. The program uses equipment-specific models and can be fine-tuned to reflect operation, maintenance, and availability specific to the power generating unit under evaluation. 17 figs., 55 tabs.