Optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development in Iran

Agricultural mechanization is an approach, which ma kes possible that the agricultural section of Iran leads to industry and commercial production . Lack of a practical plan for agricultural mechanization development in Iran is the major prob lem. For planning in this field, it is necessary to determine mechanization definition, de velopment process and cycle, challenges, mission (fundamental adjective), long-term goal, an d optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development. Therefore for compilatio n of optimum strategy, a descriptive and practical research was taken place with survey and documentation research method for agricultural mechanization development planning –wi th maximum practical capabilityin Iran. The sequential changes in science and technology, w hich has had certain effects over agricultural mechanization, was the cause for using strategic planning methodology for optimum strategy planning. We used brain storming m ethods for recognizing challenges. Also interview and field observation was used for inform ation gathering and analyzing questionnaires. Sample statistical society, was com posed from 809 persons, who were experts in social, economic, planning, management, agricult ural engineering and mechanization. With the results, the mission (fundamental objective), l ong-term goal and optimum strategy were determined. The results showed that the most import ant challenges for mechanization development in Iran are classified into four groups : social, economic, technical, plan and management. In this research, practical definition of agricultural mechanization, its process and cycle, its challenges and its optimum strategy in I ran were given. Optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development is, increasi ng knowledge and technical skills of producers and machinery operators, development of e c nomical insight of producers, development of guild organizations, improving finan cial affair and reducing injuries of machinery operators and producers.