Arterial vasodilation : mechanisms and therapy

Function of conduit arteries wave travel and reflection in the arterial system effects of age and of hypertension on wave travel and reflections effects of arterial disease on wave travel and reflection modification of wave travel and reflection by vasodilator therapy reduction or delay of wave reflections by vasodilator therapy as a strategy in management of hypertension, angina pectoris and ischaemic heart disease effects of nitroglycerine on asending aortic impedance and on left ventricular loads in normal subjects and patients with coronary artery disease effects of vasodilators on ascending aortic impedance and on left ventricular load in patients with cardiac failure at rest and exercise, and in hypertension haemodynamic benefit of vasodilating beta-blocker compared to conventional beta-blocker in treatment of essential hypertension difference between central and upper limb wave forms in man what is the arterial pressure? the response of arterial vessels to antihypertensive therapy - I basic concepts the response of large arteries to antihypertensive treatment - II pharmacological aspects the autonomic nervous system and large conduit arteries effects of vasoactive drugs on coronary arteries, coronary artery stenoses and on collateral vessels effects of vasodilator drugs on calibre and distensibility of small peripheral arteries cellular mechanisms of vasodilation nitrates - mechanisms of action and tolerance.