Floriculture in Tabasco, Mexico is part of a diversification and increasing agricultural income, which has the potential for outstanding growth. To determine the socioeconomic status as well as the technical advancement of this sector, surveys were conducted of cut flower producers and combined with official statistics. Socioeconomic and technological indicators showed that 38% of the producers had a high standard of living and 69% of farmers had three or more years of experience in flower cultivation. Most farmers owned their land (66%), and their educational attainment was above the national average. Most of the producers did not depend exclusively on their revenues from flowers. The average income for a cultivated area was $936.33 USD ha-1·yr-1.The technological level and management of the plantations was very different among farms. The yield and quality of the production could be improved through improved handling of weeds, watering and drainage. Plant diseases and pests are not restricting growth at this time. Currently, only 11% of the production is marketed, which means that a national and international market needs to be developed. In addition, it was found that the infrastructure for watering, production and postharvest is insufficient to develop the activity for the export market.La floricultura en Tabasco, Mexico, forma parte de un plan de diversificacion para incrementar ingresos agricolas con expectativas alentadoras. Para conocer aspectos socioeconomicos y tecnico-productivos del sector, se aplicaron encuestas a productores a partir de informacion oficial, para generar un padron de floricultores. Los indicadores socioeconomicos y tecnologicos utilizados, demostraron que el 38% de los productores corresponden a un nivel socioeconomico alto, 69% cuentan con tres a mas de 10 anos de experiencia en sus cultivos, son propietarios de su tierra 66% y tienen niveles de escolaridad superiores al promedio nacional. La mayoria de los productores no dependen exclusivamente de los ingresos de esta actividad. El promedio de ingreso por superficie cultivada es de $ 936.33 USD ha-1 ano-1. El nivel tecnologico y manejo de las plantaciones es muy variado entre las unidades de produccion. Los rendimientos y calidad de la produccion son susceptibles de mejora a traves del manejo oportuno de malezas, riego y drenaje. Las enfermedades y plagas no son limitantes por el momento. Solo se comercializa el 11% de la produccion, por lo que se requiere desarrollar el mercado nacional e internacional. No obstante, la infraestructura hidraulica, productiva y de poscosecha es insuficiente para desarrollar la actividad con miras a la exportacion.
B. Lin.
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Flores de corte