Effects of flaps on buffet characteristics and wind-rock onset of an F-8C airplane at subsonic and transonic speeds

Wind-up-turn maneuvers were performed to establish the values of airplane normal force coefficient for buffet onset, wing-rock onset, and buffet loads with various combinations of leading- and trailing-edge flap deflections. Data were gathered at both subsonic and transonic speeds covering a range from Mach 0.64 to Mach 0.92. Buffet onset and buffet loads were obtained from wingtip acceleration and wing-root bending-moment data, and wing-rock onset was obtained from airplane roll rate data. Buffet onset, wing-rock onset, and buffet loads were similarly affected by the various combinations of leading- and training-edge flaps. Subsonically, the 12 deg leading-edge-flap and trailing-edge-flap combination was most effective in delaying buffet onset, wing-rock onset, and equivalent values of buffet loads to a higher value of airplane normal force coefficient. This was the maximum flap deflection investigated. Transonically, however, the optimum leading-edge flap position was generally less than 12 deg.