Concepts of Probability Theory

Probability theory is the mathematical approach to formalizing the uncertainty of events. Even though a decision maker may not know which one of the set of possible events may finally occur, with probability theory, a decision maker has the means of providing each event with a certain probability. Furthermore, it provides the decision maker with the axioms to compute the probability of a composed event in a unique way. The rather formal environment of probability theory translates in a reasonable manner to the problems related to risk and uncertainty in finance such as, for example, the future price of a financial asset. Today, investors may be aware of the price of a certain asset, but they cannot say for sure what value it might have tomorrow. To make a prudent decision, investors need to assess the possible scenarios for tomorrow's price and assign to each scenario a probability of occurrence. Only then can investors reasonably determine whether the financial asset will satisfy an investment objective. Keywords: elements; uncountable; equality; empty set; union operator; intersection operator; pairwise disjoint; complement; right-continuous function; non-decreasing function; space; subsets; events; elementary events; atoms; power set; closed under countable unions; closed under countable intersections; algebra; Borel; measurable space; probability measure; mutually exclusive; countable additivity; probability space; P-almost surely (P-a.s.); unlikely; certain event with respect to P; Definition 6—Distribution function; distribution function of the probability measure P; random variable; stochastic; measurable; A-A′-measurable; measurable; random variable on a countable space; random variable on the uncountable space; probability law; abscissa; improbable event