Construction of Professional Ethics Questionnaire in Midwifery

The midwifery ethics is a branch of professional ethics it wants morality for functional safety box midwifery practice and ethical decisions in the midwifery. The aim of this study was to develop a tool to measure the midwives’ awareness of midwifery professional ethics. Questionnaire awareness of professional ethics in midwifery as first initial list of 38 questions was prepared. To check the validity, respectively the face and content validity and reliability, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used and the data using SPSS software version 18 were analyzed. 26 questions have high content validity and 12 questions were rejected. Validity of the questionnaire was calculated an overall index value 0.88 that amount is acceptable. The final results showed that the final questionnaire with the Pearson correlation coefficient 0.97 and p< 0.001 is stable. To assess professional ethics in midwifery to a valid and reliable questionnaire that can accurately measure the extent is needed according to the results, questioning the outcome of this study is a useful tool for evaluation of ethics in midwifery.