Topological Complexity with Continuous Operations

The topological complexity of algorithms is studied in a general context in the first part and for zero-finding in the second part. In the first part thelevel of discontinuityof a functionfis introduced and it is proved that it is a lower bound for the total number of comparisons plus 1 in any algorithm computingfthat uses only continuous operations and comparisons. This lower bound is proved to be sharp if arbitrary continuous operations are allowed. Then there exists even a balanced optimal computation tree forf. In the second part we use these results in order to determine the topological complexity of zero-finding for continuous functionsfon the unit interval withf(0) ·f(1) < 0. It is proved that roughly log2log2??1comparisons are optimal during a computation in order to approximate a zero up to ?. This is true regardless of whether one allows arbitrary continuous operations or just function evaluations, the arithmetic operations {+, ?, *, /}, and the absolute value. It is true also for the subclass of nondecreasing functions. But for the subclass of increasing functions the topological complexity drops to zero even for the smaller class of operations.