A 3D camera for improved facial recognition

We describe a camera capable of recording 3D images of objects. It does this by projecting thousands of spots onto an object and then measuring the range to each spot by determining the parallax from a single frame. A second frame can be captured to record a conventional image, which can then be projected onto the surface mesh to form a rendered skin. The camera is able of locating the images of the spots to a precision of better than one tenth of a pixel, and from this it can determine range to an accuracy of less than 1 mm at 1 meter. The data can be recorded as a set of two images, and is reconstructed by forming a 'wire mesh' of range points and morphing the 2 D image over this structure. The camera can be used to record the images of faces and reconstruct the shape of the face, which allows viewing of the face from various angles. This allows images to be more critically inspected for the purpose of identifying individuals. Multiple images can be stitched together to create full panoramic images of head sized objects that can be viewed from any direction. The system is being tested with a graph matching system capable of fast and accurate shape comparisons for facial recognition. It can also be used with "models" of heads and faces to provide a means of obtaining biometric data.