ESS PLC Controls Strategy

The European Spallation Source ESSAB is an acceleratordriven neutron spallation source. The Integrated Controls System (ICS) division is responsible for providing controls and monitoring for all parts of the machine (accelerator, target, neutron scattering systems and conventional facilities). Also, Accelerator Division, Target Division and other parts of the organisation will be deploying PLC Automation Systems. A large number of applications have been identified across all the facility where PLCs will be used: cryogenics, vacuum, water-cooling and fluid systems, power systems, and safety & protection systems. This work describes the different activities put in place and the strategy followed at ESS regarding PLC technologies. This strategy consists not only of the standardisation of a PLC vendor but also testing activities, generation of documentation and standardisation of other aspects (for instance, regarding installation). The documentation about PLC controls integration and standardisation and the approach to insert PLCs in the different controls workflows are described. Finally, the results of different tests (PLC timing correlation) are shown.