Preparing for the Huygens Probe Mission, Cassini orbit determination results for the first and second targeted Titan encounters

An orbit determination (OD) analysis of Cassini’s trajectory including the first and second targeted Titan encounters has been generated and results are presented. This continues a series of papers describing orbit determination results throughout the Cassini mission [Roth, 1998, 2002, 2005; Guman, 2000; Roundhill, 2005; Bordi, 2005; Antreasian, 2005]. These first two encounters helped set the stage for navigation of the Huygens probe mission, which took place during the third Titan encounter. Dynamic modeling and parameter estimation associated with the final trajectory analysis are described. Navigation predictions produced during the operational phase are compared with the final trajectory in order to gain insight into OD performance and maneuver execution errors. Navigation errors associated with the first two flybys are analyzed. Special attention is given to refinement of the dynamical environment of Saturn’s system, particularly Titan, during the first two orbits.