Dynamic clamp: computer-generated conductances in real neurons.

1. We describe a new method, the dynamic clamp, that uses a computer as an interactive tool to introduce simulated voltage and ligand mediated conductances into real neurons. 2. We simulate a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) response of a cultured stomatogastric ganglion neuron to illustrate that the dynamic clamp effectively introduces a conductance into the target neuron. 3. To demonstrate an artificial voltage-dependent conductance, we simulate the action of a voltage-dependent proctolin response on a neuron in the intact stomatogastric ganglion. We show that shifts in the activation curve and the maximal conductance of the response produce different effects on the target neuron. 4. The dynamic clamp is used to construct reciprocal inhibitory synapses between two stomatogastric ganglion neurons that are not coupled naturally, illustrating that this method can be used to form new networks at will.