Idiotypic networks incorporating T-B cell co-operation. The conditions for percolation.

Previous work was concerned with symmetric immune networks of idiotypic interactions amongst B cell clones. The behaviour of these networks was contrary to expectations. This was caused by an extensive percolation of idiotypic signals. Idiotypic activation was thus expected to affect almost all (greater than 10(7] B cell clones. We here analyse whether the incorporation of helper T cells (Th) into these B cell models could cause a reduction in the percolation. Empirical work on idiotypic interactions between Th and B cells however, would suggest that two different idiotypic Th models should be developed: (1) a Th which recognises native B cell idiotypes, i.e. a non-MHC-restricted "ThId" model, and (2) a "classical" MHC-restricted helper T cell model. In the ThId model, the Th-B cell interaction is symmetric. A 2-D model of a Th and a B cell clone that interact idiotypically with each other accounts for various equilibria (i.e. one virgin and two immune states). Introduction of antigen does indeed lead to a state switch from the virgin to the immune state; such a system is thus able to "remember" its exposure to antigen. Idiotypic signals do however, percolate in ThId models via these "B-Th-B-Th" pathways: proliferating Th and B cell clones that interact idiotypically, will always activate each other reciprocally. In the MHC-restricted Th model, Th-B interactions are asymmetric. Because the B cell idiotypes are processed and subsequently presented by MHC molecules, the Th receptor and the native B cell receptor are not expected to be complementary. Thus the Th and the B cells are unable to activate each other reciprocally, and a 2-D Th-B cell model cannot account for idiotypic memory. In contrast to the ThId model, idiotypic activation cannot percolate via "B-Th-B-Th" interactions. Due to the assymmetry idiotypic activation stops at the first Th level. A Th clone cannot activate a subsequent B cell clone: if the B cells recognise the Th cells, they see idiotype but get no help; if the Th cells see the B cells, the B cells are helped but see no idiotype. The percolation along "B-B-B" pathways in these two models is next analysed. Two B cells clones, each helped by one Th clone, are connected by a symmetric idiotypic interaction. It turns out that in both models the second (i.e. anti-idiotypic) B cells (B2) never proliferate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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