Experimental and theoretical study on flow condensation with non-azeotropic refrigerant mixtures of R32/R134a

Abstract Experiments on flow condensation have been conducted with both pure R32, R134a and their mixtures inside a tube (10 m long, 6 mm ID), with a mass flux of 131–369 kg m −2 s −1 and average condensation temperature of 23–40°C. The experimental heat transfer coefficients are compared with those predicted from correlations. The maximum mean heat transfer coefficient reduction (from a linear interpolation of the single component values) occurs at a concentration of roughly 30% R32 for the same mass flux basis, and is approximately 20% at Gr = 190 kg m −2 s −1 , 16% at Gr = 300 kg m −2 s −1 . Non-ideal properties of the mixture have a certain, but relatively small, influence on the degradation. Among others, temperature and concentration gradients, slip, etc. are also causes of heat transfer degradation.