Leadership Flexibility Space

A model is proposed for evaluating leadership capability, which is observed on a grid called the leadership flexibility space. Questionnaires were prepared and responses were received from engineers of the Public Works Department (PWD) for an applied study of their organization. The model evaluates two basic parameters: (1) decision making capability and (2) information input by group during decision making. Five types of leaders are evaluated: consultative autocrats, complete autocrats, consensus managers, impoverished managers, and active managers. Results showed that 70% of resident engineers/area engineers and over 46% of project engineers could be categorized as falling in the impoverished manager’s zone. These percentages might be slightly reduced if certain gray areas are granted to the zones; however, any such impact is not significant. Demographic evaluations are made for age group, number of projects handled in one’s career, number of projects handled at PWD, years of experience, years with PWD,...