Application of screen printing processes for epitaxial silicon thin-film solar cells

Screen printing technologies were applied to thin epitaxial layers deposited on highly doped Cz-silicon substrates. The layers were grown by high-temperature chemical vapor deposition under atmospheric pressure in a non-commercial reactor built at Fraunhofer ISE. For comparison a solar cell process with POCl/sub 3/-diffused emitter and photolithographical grid has been realized on the same epi-material. Confirmed efficiencies of up to 14.8% and 12.2% were achieved for epitaxial solar cells prepared by cleanroom and by screen printing technologies respectively. The application of screen printed and in-line diffused emitter and screen printed metallization to epitaxial material was straightforward. No adverse interaction between epilayers and screen printed emitter or contact grid were observed. Characterization of the solar cells by IQE measurements showed that compared to reference cells on FZ-silicon and Cz-silicon bulk material, the efficiencies of the epitaxial cells are mainly limited by reduced short-circuit currents.