확률강우량 산정을 위한 EDA 기법의 적용

This study quantified the data by applying the EDA techniques considering the data structure, and the results were then used for the frequency analysis. Although traditional methods based on the method of moments provide very sensitive statistics to the extreme values, the EDA techniques have an advantage of providing very stable statistics with their small variation. For the application of the EDA techniques to the frequency analysis, it is necessary to normalization transform and inverse-transform to conserve the skewness of the raw data. That is, it is necessary to transform the raw data to make the data follow the normal distribution, to estimate the statistics by applying the EDA techniques, and then finally to inverse-transform the statistics of transformed data. These statistics decided are then applied for the frequency analysis with a given probability density function. This study analyzed the annual maxima one hour rainfall data at Seoul and Pohang stations. As a result, it was found that more stable rainfall quantiles, which were also less sensitive to extreme values, could be estimated by applying the EDA techniques. This methodology may be effectively used for the frequency analysis of rainfall at stations with especially high annual variations of rainfall due to climate change, etc.