Experimental Analysis of Mast Lifting and Bending Forces on Vibration Patterns Before and After Pinion Reinstallation in an OH-58 Transmission Test Rig

As part of a collaborative research program between NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), and the U.S. Army Laboratory, a series of experiments is being performed in GRC’s 500 HP OH-58 Transmission Test Rig facility and ARC’s AH-1 Cobra and OH-58c helicopters. The findings reported in this paper were drawn from Phase-1 of a two-phase test-rig experiment, and are focused on the vibration response of an undamaged pinion gear operating in the transmission. To simulate actual flight conditions, the transmission system was run at three torque levels, as well as two mast lifting and two mast bending levels. The test rig was also subjected to disassembly and reassembly of the main pinion housing to simulate the effect of maintenance operations. An analysis of variance based on the total power of the spectral distribution provides and overview the relative effects of each experimental factor, including strong interactions with torque. Reinstallation of the main pinion assembly is shown to introduce changes in the vibration signature, suggesting the possibility of a strong effect of maintenance on HUMS design and use. Based on these results, further research will be conducted to compare these vibration responses with actual OH58c helicopter transmission vibration patterns.