SBTool을 활용한 탄소중립형 주거단지 평가에 관한 연구

Recently, many countries are tightening a variety of policies and controls with great efforts to reduce emission of GHGs(Greenhouse Gases) as concern for climate change heightens. The purpose of the study is to provide guidelines for planning and evaluate element and evaluate housing development. The elements are also assorted into 6 sections and 30 planning elements were drawn from them. It is drawn to 6 sections, 27 categories, 31 evaluation elements except cultural and perceptual aspects unrelated to planning elements from these elements. Case analysis has shown that most of planning elements were applied because these cases obtained environment-friendly certification in the country. Followings are the common characteristics. Firstly, it showed that application of planning element in all cases is excellent. Secondly, the case with excellent application of elements related with energy and application degree obtained excellent degree i environment-friendly certification in the country. Finally, application of planning elements related with renewable energy was in poor condition in all cases. With the utilization of SBTool, the evaluation results about planning elements of housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type showed that CASE-A obtained 11.17 points and CASE-B obtained 9.24 points. In the case of renewable energy section, it was confirmed that the evaluation doesn’t work well. As a result, changes of planning elements affect environment-friendly extent. It was confirmed that accessibility to housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type could change. Estimated result of Amount of Carbon emission showed that annual energy consumption per each family of CASE-A is 4,269,964MJ/㎡, as a result of which, Carbon emission is 234,815㎏/㎡. And annual energy consumption per family of CASE-B is 4,197,563MJ/㎡, as a result of which, Carbon emission is 214,587㎏/㎡. Application of planning elements in the aspect of housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type shows that the level for Carbon emissions-reduction is high level. And study with assessment from the draft should be followed.