Detailed evaluation of the TRANPLAN package of microcomputer programs

This report represents the detailed evaluation of the TRANPLAN package including sample control files and outputs incorporated in a research project entitled "Subarea Analysis Using Microcomputers". One of the study objectives is to develop and incorporate procedures into the Texas Travel Demand Package for downloading a portion of the output from the Texas Package to the selected microcomputer transportation planning package to perform subarea analysis. The TRANPLAN package was tested and recommended for interface with the Texas Package. TRANPLAN is a comprehensive, fully integrated, and user oriented transportation modeling software with highway and transit programs. Unlike other software, TRANPLAN uses English like syntax and uniform specifications in all programs. TRANPLAN is distributed on 12 (13 if plotting) diskettes, and requires about 3.5 MB of storage if all programs are transferred to a hard disk. The entire set of programs is separated into 42 modules referred to as "FUNCTIONS", each of which has specific capabilities. TRANPLAN documentation is available in hard copy. The package also includes substantial plotting capability. Recently, TRANPLAN has been interfaced with online, interactive graphics software for Network Editing and Display (NEDS). Detailed evaluation of TRANPLAN plotting capabilities and NEDS were included in this report (A).