A Retrospective on Mutual Bootstrapping

When we were invited to write a retrospective article about our AAAI-99 paper on mutual bootstrapping (Riloff and Jones 1999), our first reaction was hesitation because, well, that algorithm seems old and clunky now. But upon reflection, it shaped a great deal of subsequent work on bootstrapped learning for natural language processing, both by ourselves and others. So our second reaction was enthusiasm, for the opportunity to think about the path from 1999 to 2017 and to share the lessons that we learned about bootstrapped learning along the way. This article begins with a brief history of related research that preceded and inspired the mutual bootstrapping work, to position it with respect to that period of time. We then describe the general ideas and approach behind the mutual bootstrapping algorithm. Next, we overview several types of research that have followed and shared similar themes: multi-view learning, bootstrapped lexicon induction, and bootstrapped pattern learning. Finally, we discuss some of the general lessons that we have learned about bootstrapping techniques for NLP to offer guidance to researchers and practitioners who may be interested in exploring these types of techniques in their own work.

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[5]  Brian Roark,et al.  Noun-phrase co-occurrence statistics for semi-automatic semantic lexicon construction , 2000, COLING.

[6]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Learning Dictionaries for Information Extraction by Multi-Level Bootstrapping , 1999, AAAI/IAAI.

[7]  Roman Yangarber,et al.  Counter-Training in Discovery of Semantic Patterns , 2003, ACL.

[8]  George A. Miller,et al.  Introduction to WordNet: An On-line Lexical Database , 1990 .

[9]  Yuji Matsumoto,et al.  Graph-based Analysis of Semantic Drift in Espresso-like Bootstrapping Algorithms , 2008, EMNLP.

[10]  Danqi Chen,et al.  of the Association for Computational Linguistics: , 2001 .

[11]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Automatically Producing Plot Unit Representations for Narrative Text , 2010, EMNLP.

[12]  Tara McIntosh,et al.  Unsupervised Discovery of Negative Categories in Lexicon Bootstrapping , 2010, EMNLP.

[13]  M. Cali,et al.  Relational learning techniques for natural language information extraction , 1998 .

[14]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Inducing Domain-Specific Semantic Class Taggers from (Almost) Nothing , 2010, ACL.

[15]  Ralph Grishman,et al.  Automatic Acquisition of Domain Knowledge for Information Extraction , 2000, COLING.

[16]  Christopher D. Manning,et al.  Distributed Representations of Words to Guide Bootstrapped Entity Classifiers , 2015, NAACL.

[17]  David Fisher,et al.  CRYSTAL: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary , 1995, IJCAI.

[18]  Rayid Ghani,et al.  Analyzing the effectiveness and applicability of co-training , 2000, CIKM '00.

[19]  James R. Curran,et al.  Reducing Semantic Drift with Bagging and Distributional Similarity , 2009, ACL.

[20]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Creating Subjective and Objective Sentence Classifiers from Unannotated Texts , 2005, CICLing.

[21]  Scott B. Huffman,et al.  Learning information extraction patterns from examples , 1995, Learning for Natural Language Processing.

[22]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  A Bootstrapping Method for Learning Semantic Lexicons using Extraction Pattern Contexts , 2002, EMNLP.

[23]  Dayne Freitag,et al.  Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction , 1998, ACL.

[24]  David Yarowsky,et al.  Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Methods , 1995, ACL.

[25]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Learning subjective nouns using extraction pattern bootstrapping , 2003, CoNLL.

[26]  James R. Curran,et al.  Weighted Mutual Exclusion Bootstrapping for Domain Independent Lexicon and Template Acquisition , 2008, ALTA.

[27]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Exploiting Strong Syntactic Heuristics and Co-Training to Learn Semantic Lexicons , 2002, EMNLP.

[28]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Learning Extraction Patterns for Subjective Expressions , 2003, EMNLP.

[29]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Automatically Generating Extraction Patterns from Untagged Text , 1996, AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2.

[30]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Sarcasm as Contrast between a Positive Sentiment and Negative Situation , 2013, EMNLP.

[31]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  A Corpus-Based Approach for Building Semantic Lexicons , 1997, EMNLP.

[32]  Jong Hyuk Park,et al.  Bootstrapping Distantly Supervised IE Using Joint Learning and Small Well-Structured Corpora , 2016, AAAI.

[33]  Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou,et al.  Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives , 1997, ACL.

[34]  Rosie Jones Semi-supervised Learning on Small Worlds , 2004 .

[35]  Marilyn A. Walker,et al.  Really? Well. Apparently Bootstrapping Improves the Performance of Sarcasm and Nastiness Classifiers for Online Dialogue , 2013, ArXiv.

[36]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Automatically Constructing a Dictionary for Information Extraction Tasks , 1993, AAAI.

[37]  Siddharth Patwardhan,et al.  Effective Information Extraction with Semantic Affinity Patterns and Relevant Regions , 2007, EMNLP.

[38]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Exploiting Role-Identifying Nouns and Expressions for Information Extraction , 2007 .

[39]  Patrick Pantel,et al.  Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement , 2009, NAACL.

[40]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  Unsupervised Learning of Contextual Role Knowledge for Coreference Resolution , 2004, NAACL.

[41]  Xinlei Chen,et al.  Never-Ending Learning , 2012, ECAI.

[42]  Daniel Jurafsky,et al.  Distant supervision for relation extraction without labeled data , 2009, ACL.

[43]  Dan I. Moldovan,et al.  Acquisition of semantic patterns for information extraction from corpora , 1993, Proceedings of 9th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications.

[44]  Mark Stevenson,et al.  A Semantic Approach to IE Pattern Induction , 2005, ACL.

[45]  Christopher D. Manning,et al.  Improved Pattern Learning for Bootstrapped Entity Extraction , 2014, CoNLL.

[46]  Ellen Riloff,et al.  A COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR PLOT UNITS , 2013, Comput. Intell..