2205 6-Axis Controlled Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibration : Fabrication of Overhanging Sharp Corner
The study proposes a new machining method to create a sharp corner on over-hanged surfaces. Sharp corner on overhanging surfaces are difficult to machine in conventional way or even in 3 to 5-axis EDM machine especially if the surfaces have different angles. In present research, we try to machine the sharp corner using the new machining method. The 6-axis ¢ ontrolled machining using the non-rotational tool with the application of ultrasonic vibration has been applied, since they can set the non-rotational too] in an arbitrary pesition against the workpiece. From the experimental results, it show$ that the 6-axis controlled u[trasonic vibratien cutting is capable of producing a sharp corner on overhanging surtaces.