터널구간 운행시 KTX 플랩 작동에 따른 CO2 농도 예측식 제안

In December 2006, the Ministry of Environment in Korea established the "Indoor Air Quality Management Guidelines in Public Transportation." As the items of the guideline, CO₂(Carbon dioxide) and PM10(Particulate matter). Therefore, the air quality inside the train is supposed to be ruled by this guideline. This study calculated the increase or decrease rate of the CO₂ concentration by using the data measured in accordance with flap operation. In case of flap close or open, the calculated CO₂ concentration variation was 6.32ppm/min. The CO₂ concentration prediction equation was derived from the general equation and the actual measured value are compared with the predicted CO₂ concentration suggested during the KyungBu high speed railway construction. The predicted value show good agreement with the measured data.