Limit behavior of nonlinear stochastic wave equations with singular perturbation
Dynamical behavior of the following nonlinear stochastic damped wave
$ \nu $utt$+u_t=$Δ$u+f(u)+$e$\dot{W}$
on an open bounded domain $D\subset\R^n$, $1\leq n\leq 3$,, is
studied in the sense of distribution for small $\nu, $e$>0$. Here
$\nu$ is the parameter that describes the singular perturbation.
First, by a decomposition of Markov semigroup defined by (1), a
stationary solution is constructed which describes the asymptotic
behavior of solution from initial value in state space
$H_0^1(D)\times L^2(D)$. Then a global measure attractor is
constructed for (1). Furthermore under the case that the stochastic
force is proportional to the square root of singular perturbation,
that is e$=\sqrt{\nu}$, we study the limit of the behavior of all
the stationary solutions of (1) as $\nu\rightarrow 0$. It is shown
that, by studying a continuity property on $\nu$ for the measure
attractors of (1), any one stationary solution of the limit equation
is a limit point of a stationary solution of (1), as
$\nu\rightarrow 0$.