Language: Communication and Human Behavior: The Linguistic Essays of William Diver
Introduction: The Enduring Legacy of William Diver Alan Huffman PART I: INTRODUCTION TO DIVER'S THOUGHT 1. Substance and Value in Linguistic Analysis William Diver 2. The Nature of Linguistic Meaning William Diver 3. The Elements of a Science of Language William Diver PART II: GREEK 4. The Dual William Diver 5. Putting the Horse Before the Cart: Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Theory William Diver 6. The System of Relevance of the Homeric Verb William Diver 7. Spheres of Interaction: Linguistic Analysis and Literary Analysis William Diver PART III: LATIN 8. The Subjunctive Without Syntax William Diver 9. Latin Voice and Case William Diver and Joseph Davis 10. Avoidance of the Obvious: The Pronoun as a Minimax Solution William Diver 11. The Latin Demonstratives William Diver 12. Latin se William Diver PART IV: PHONOLOGY 13. Phonology as Human Behavior William Diver 14. The Phonology of the Extremes Or, What is a Problem? William Diver and Joseph Davis 15. The Phonological Motivation for Verner's Law and Grimm's Law William Diver and Alan Huffman PART V: LINGUISTIC THEORIES 16. Traditional Grammar and Its Legacy in Twentieth-Century Linguistics William Diver, Joseph Davis, and Wallis Reid 17. Theory William Diver Part VI: RECAPITULATION: THE HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS 18. The History of Linguistics in the West: How the Study of Language Went Wrong in the Western Tradition William Diver Bibliography of William Diver General Bibliography