Er:YAG phacoemulsification with fiber

Forty years ago, a leading cataract surgeon in the United States announced, with an air of finality, that the "perfect operation' for cataract extraction had been developed.' He believed cataract surgeons had reached their zenith and that no more time should be wasted looking for alternatives or refinements. The procedure he was describing was an intracapsular cataract extraction. The cataract was delivered at that time with forceps, often with "just a little vitreous". Sutures were just beginning to be used, but weeks of postoperative immobilization were still the norm. Patients undergoing the procedure could look forward to a lifetime of visual impairment and to a loss of confidence and self-esteem brought about by both the functional impairment and the unflattering appearance of these spectacles. This "perfect operation" marked the end of the productive life for most individuals. With the introduction of the first ultrasonic phacoemulsification equipment in the 1970's and the development of small incision intraocular lenses in the 1980's, all of us have witnessed a remarkable leap in the evolution of cataract surgery. Like our colleague forty years ago, some of us think that we have reached a plateau, but this evolution will continue. What is needed in ophthalmic surgery today is a single, versatile, reliable, and inexpensive multipurpose device which can perform all these surgical functions with equivalent or superior results. Such a device would allow cost-conscious surgery facilities to offer a full range of state-of-the-art surgery, while purchasing only a single unit - a unit which would be no more expensive than existing phacoemulsification devices.