Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video

With great excitement, we welcome you to the 16th Annual International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV). The workshop continues to be at the forefront of multimedia research. This year's proceedings include works on Internet gaming, sensor networks, peer-to-peer streaming, mobility, security, and more from researchers in industry and academia. We are honored to have Kevin Jeffay of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill join us as our keynote speaker. We selected Kevin as recognition of his contributions to the multimedia field, and to NOSSDAV specifically. Kevin has been a long time participant at NOSSDAV workshops including helping to organize the inaugural workshop in 1990. This year, we received 74 submissions from all over the world, and we accepted 23 for publication. The quality of submitted works was very high, making this a great year for NOSSDAV and ensuring its continued status as a highly referenced workshop. Every submitted paper received three reviews and a summary of a separate discussion by the three reviewers. Summaries were written by one of the three reviewers. We are grateful for the hard work of our technical program committee - they did an outstanding job. The participation of stellar researchers on the TPC is a complement to the previous NOSSDAV workshops.