The Tropical Garden

AbstractTHE authors of this volume are writing primarily for gardeners in the Haiwaiian Islands, though, as the climate in this part of the Pacific is fairly typical of the moderate tropics everywhere, the information they give will be of use to a much wider public. They treat their subject from two angles, design and choice of suitable plants. In twenty-three chapters these two aspects are fully explored. The book is written in a popular and lively style, but is, never theless, scientifically accurate?as is to be expected from the list of helpers given in the preface.The Tropical Garden Its Design, Horticulture and Plant Materials. By Loraine E. Kuck and Richard C. Tongg. Pp. xi + 378 + 16 plates. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1936.) 12s. 6d. net.