Simultaneous inference for RNA-Seq data

In the last few years, RNA-Seq has become a popular choice for high-throughput studies of gene expression, revealing its potential to overcome microarrays and become the new standard for transcriptional profiling. At a gene-level, RNA-Seq yields counts rather than continuous measures of expression, leading to the need for novel methods to deal with count data in high-dimensional problems. In this Thesis, we aim at shedding light on the problems related to the exploration and modeling of RNA-Seq data. In particular, we introduce simple and effective ways to summarize and visualize the data; we define a novel algorithm for the clustering of RNA-Seq data and we implement simple normalization strategies to deal with technology-related biases. Finally, we present a hierarchical Bayesian approach to the modeling of RNA-Seq data. The model accounts for the difference in sequencing depth, as well as for overdispersion, automatically accounting for different types of normalization.

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