Emission of Fine Particles and Ageing Behavior of PTFE Finished Filter Media during Industrial Pollution Control

Present study embodies the effect of two different filter media viz. polyester filter fabric treated with PTFE finish and polyester fabric filter without finish, and two different dust concentration (50 and 150 g/m 3 ) on industrial pulse-jet filtration process performance. The fabrics were tested based on ISO - 11057 Standard, while conducting 200 pulsing cycles at measuring phase. Emission in terms of mass concentration (PM 2.5 , PM 10 ) and number particle concentration are substantially lower while using PTFE finished filter media in comparison to media without finish. Outgoing particle number largely reduced while using PTFE treated fabrics particularly at higher dust concentration. The particle size distribution in the downstream side reflects that use of PTFE finish filter is particularly more beneficial for capturing very fine particle. PTFE finish fabric also exhibit lower residual pressure drop as compared to unfinished fabric during measuring phase of filtration operation. Further it was also evident that the trend of residual pressure drop with time is quite stable for PTFE finished fabrics. The said fabric get stable (age) earlier than without finish, hence expected to provide more consistent filtration behaviour for longer time.